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Specifying Crafting Recipes for Books

All books that have no custom item are actually the same item: patchouli:book.

This makes crafting recipes a bit annoying, because you have to specify NBT on the output value. This is a bit involved to do, especially on Fabric, so Patchouli provides convenience recipe types to abstract over differences between loaders.

Create a JSON like the following:

"type": "patchouli:shapeless_book_recipe",
"ingredients": [
"item": "minecraft:gold_ingot"
"item": "minecraft:dirt"
"book": "yourbookid"

or for shaped recipes:

"type": "patchouli:shaped_book_recipe",
"pattern": [
"key": {
"#": {
"item": "minecraft:dirt"
"book": "yourbookid"

And Patchouli will automatically arrange for the correct book to be produced.