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Gating Content with Advancements

Entries in your Patchouli books can be locked until certain Advancements are accomplished. This page will give you a quick primer on how to accomplish this.

  • First things first, create your advancement. If you're a modder, make it as you usually would (Minecraft Wiki reference), and place it in /data/MODID/advancements. If you're a modpack maker, you'll need to load your advancements using another mod, such as OpenLoader.

  • Once your advancement is done, grab its ID (which would be in the namespace:path format). For the sake of demonstration, we'll pretend the ID is mymod:myadv.

  • Open the JSON file for the entry you want, and fill in the "advancement" field with the ID: "advancement": "mymod:myadv".

  • You may also lock individual pages behind advancements. This is allowed but not exactly encouraged, as it can be confusing to players if you aren't conveying the information properly.

    • To lock a page, simply fill the "advancement" field next to the page's "type" field, the same way you would for the entry itself.
    • Locked pages do not display any indicator that they are locked, they are simply hidden completely.
    • See Default Page Types for more info.
  • Some final pointers:

    • All advancement locks can be disabled by the player in Patchouli's config.
    • Entries show up locked unless there's at least one unlocked entry within them.
    • You can make invisible advancements by not including a "display" block in your advancement JSON, which can be useful if you want to make a lot of small locks but don't want a horribly cluttered interface.