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This page covers knowledge and tools you must have in order to be effective at authoring content with Patchouli. All later documentation on this site will assume you have these tools at hand and this knowledge in mind.


Text Editor

A competent text editor such as Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, vim, or emacs is a must. Do not use software such as notepad, WordPad, Word, or Pages. Preferably, your editor should have highlighting support for JSON, which will save you from common typos that are made when working with the format.



You should know the basics of the JSON data format, including the core data types and syntax. The Wikipedia page provides a good overview.

Namespaced ID's

Namespaced ID's are how Minecraft gives things unique names. Please read the vanilla wiki page on the subject carefully.

Pack Layout

You should have a basic understanding of how resource packs and data packs are laid out, from the root folder to the /assets/ and /data/ directories. The corresponding vanilla wiki pages have more information about this for resource packs and data packs respectively.